
A fully distributed platform

What is Dimensionless?


Dimensionless is an application designed to function without any centralized servers. Traditionally, most modern contemporary client network applications leverage centralization to achieve their means. With Dimensionless the paradigm changes in such a way as to allow users with a myriad of hardware devices to act as their own server and client. Whilst it might seem difficult to compare the loads most gargantuan server farms process to that which a regular user can feasibly handle, a motivated and caring group can change the Internet for the better!


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Release Status: Early Alpha (Some features still missing / incomplete)


Source Code

64 bit

Coming Soon

Coming Soon




Online Documentation

PDF Documentation


Extra Questions?


How do you solve the Network Address Translation (NAT) problem with most routers?


Universal Plug and Play (UPnP), OpenVPN and of course your friendly connected users should help you out with port forwarding 🙂


What do you mean by a fully decentralized platform?


No initial bootstrap nodes whatsoever for client to client communication and discovery (Ideally OpenVPN to a friendly user who has “connected” with you should suffice)


No bootstrap nodes? How?


We force you to find other users to connect to upon starting to use the application, you can either provide some credentials to such users or scan a portion of the Internet (IPv4 address space) that corresponds to specific countries and cities around the world to find suitable users.


Particles.js Attribution: particles.js (MIT License)